Easy-to-understand explanation

Unveiling the Elegance of Euler’s Identity: A Journey through Euler’s Number, Formula, and the Most Beautiful Equation in Mathematics

Euler’s equation is famously known as the most beautiful formula in the world. However, many may find its beauty elusive. This article aims to demystify Euler’s formula for those without a background in mathematics. By the end, you may just find yourself trembling at the sheer elegance of Euler’s equation. Euler’s Equation Explained Here is…

Unraveling Fermat’s Last Theorem: A Journey Through Hard Math, the History of Mathematics, and the Dedication of Famous Mathematicians Including Andrew Wiles

Back in the day, one of the most celebrated puzzles in the history of mathematics was Fermat’s Last Theorem. Middle school students can easily grasp the essence of this conundrum. Still, despite the attempts of legendary mathematicians over the ages, it remained unsolved for over 350 years. Today, we’ll break down the proof of Fermat’s…